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Industry News & Commentary

April, 27th 2023 in Industry News & Commentary

Learn more about how VNS Westchester brings the best care home 

March, 22nd 2023 in Industry News & Commentary

VNSW Foundation received the Outstanding Foundation Award from the Association of the Development Officers at its Philanthropy Awards Breakfast. 

June, 3rd 2022 in Industry News & Commentary

In celebration of 120 years, Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester (VNSW) sealed a time capsule to be opened on June 2, 2075. 

January, 31st 2022 in Industry News & Commentary

As VNS Westchester celebrates its 120 year milestone of providing exceptional at-home care for our patients, we reflect on how far it’s come and evolved throughout the years.

Early Symptom Identification Can Save Lives
September, 13th 2017 in Industry News & Commentary

VNSW is joining national efforts to spread awareness about Sepsis, a life-threatening condition that is the #1 cause of death in U.S. hospitals. Sepsis can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and death. While serious, it is a treatable condition with early symptom recognition and rapid treatment essential in preventing hospitalizations and saving lives. Learn more about the condition and how it can be prevented during Sepsis Awareness Month.

VNSW's Mary Gadomski Featured in CipherHealth Whitepaper
June, 12th 2017 in Industry News & Commentary

In this new whitepaper, CiperHealth, a NYC-based healthcare technology company, shares commentary from home healthcare industry leaders like VNSW’s Director of Business Development & Community Relations, Mary Gadomski, on ways home healthcare agencies can increase healthcare partnerships, while improving patient care and raising patient satisfaction.

A New Year's Message
December, 31st 2013 in Industry News & Commentary

As we prepare to greet the New Year we, like most people, pause to take a brief look back at the year that is drawing to a close.  There is much that we can say about our activities at VNS Westchester in 2013 – many milestones of which we are proud.

But, at the end of the day, it’s not so much about what we say, but what our patients and their families have to say about the care they received from our agency.  This, by far, is the most accurate yardstick for measuring our value to the community during the year that has passed.

Therefore, with the permission of the authors, we are pleased to share a few highlights from letters we received in 2013...

VNS Westchester President & CEO Elias M. (Lou) Nemnom describes the heroic efforts of staff during and after the storm.
November, 9th 2012 in Industry News & Commentary

Here at VNS Westchester and our affiliate agency, Westchester Care at Home, our hearts go out to all of you in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, one of the worst storms in recent memory.