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Press Releases

June, 27th 2018 in Press Releases

The Westchester Visiting Nurse Services Group, Inc. Board (WVNS Group), parent organization of VNS Westchester; the VNSW Foundation, Inc.; and Westchester Care at Home, appointed new officers and two new Board members at its May meeting.

Honors Three Who Advance Mission of Improving Health of Elderly, Other Populations
June, 5th 2018 in Press Releases

Close to 200 supporters attended the VNSW Foundation's May 16th Gala at the Willow Ridge Country Club in Harrison, where we honored two outstanding individuals and an innovative digital health service provider who have helped VNSW expand our vital mission of improving the health and sustaining the independence of elderly and other vulnerable populations. The event raised approximately $100K to support critical patient services and free community health programs.

April, 25th 2018 in Press Releases

Timothy P. Leddy, President/CEO of the Westchester Visiting Nurse Services Group, Inc., the parent organization of VNS Westchester and Westchester Care at Home, announced the appointment of Andrea Winchester as the organization's new Director of Human Resources. She brings 30 years of of human resources experience in the health care field, including 11 years in the home care industry.

Expert Training and Collaboration Session Prepares Home Care Agencies and their Partners to Adopt Innovative Sepsis Screening Tool
January, 16th 2018 in Press Releases

VNSW was privileged to serve as the host of HCA's "Stop Sepsis at Home NY" Regional Training Session in the Hudson Valley. The program, held on January 10th in our Putnam branch office in Brewster, NY, attracted a broad cross-section of home health care providers and their partners for training on a first-of-its-kind in the nation sepsis screening and intervention tool.  VNSW, along with other program participants, are preparing to adopt the tool for use during patient visits to stem the tide of sepsis, the body's overwhelming and often life-threatening response to an infection.

$25,000 Grant Matched by VNSW Foundation, Inc.
December, 14th 2017 in Press Releases

Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester, Inc. (VNSW), has been awarded a $25,000 grant from Aging in America, Inc. to support the integration of an innovative Sepsis Screening, Education and Intervention Tool into its clinical practice. The funding will enable our home care work force to screen more than 10,000 patients in their homes annually as part of its best practices in patient care. The VNSW Foundation, Inc. provided a matching grant of $25,000 to underwrite staff training in identifying and managing sepsis in the home and in utilizing the screening tool for optimal patient outcomes.

June, 13th 2017 in Press Releases

The following Board members were elected to the WVNS Group, Inc. Board:

- Martin Considine, who joined in May 2016 was elected Vice Chairperson.
Arlene Rosen joined the Board in May 2016.
- Natasha Bowman, joined the Board in May 2017.
Dr. Amy Ansehl, a Board member since 2011, was re-elected as Board Chair.
- Andrea McKay-Harris, a Board member since 2008, was re-elected Board Secretary.
- James Martell, who joined the Board in 2014 was elected Board Treasurer.


Annual Benefit Raises $110,000 for VNSW Foundation, Inc.
May, 30th 2017 in Press Releases

The VNSW Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization established to help ensure the future of VNS Westchester's vital home healthcare services and communty health education programs, held a successful fundraising event on May 10th at the Willow Ridge Country Club in Harrison, raising $110,000 and hosting 200 leaders from the region's healthcare, business and nonprofit community.

NYSDOH-funded program aimed at workforce development, chronic disease management for homebound individuals
April, 12th 2017 in Press Releases

Funded by a New York State Department of Health Workforce Retraining Grant, Westchester Care at Home is partnering with Vital Care Services to train our Home Health Aides, Registered Nurses and Administrators on a variety of digital health technology tools.  The goal is to help our staff better track and improve the health status of the agency's largely elderly client population, many of whom are grappling with one or more chronic diseases.

Home health care agency partners with CipherHealth to reduce preventable hospital readmissions, improve health outcomes for patients
October, 17th 2016 in Press Releases

Evidence-based studies show that strategically-timed follow-up calls to patients following hospital discharge are leading to reduced instances of preventable hospital readmissions, improved patient health and better management of chronic illnesses.  To help achieve these goals for our home care patients, VNS Westchester (VNSW) is partnering with the NYC-based health technology company, CipherHealth, to pilot a new patient outreach call program, “VNSW Care Call.” The 90-day pilot program was launched in September for VNSW’s patients.

July, 22nd 2016 in Press Releases

With over 600 employees and independent contractors, the Westchester Visiting Nurse Services Group, Inc. (WVNS Group), is a major healthcare employer in Westchester and adjoining counties. Recognizing the growing need for job development opportunities in healthcare, as well as in other industries in the region, WVNS Group is collaborating with a variety of organizations to help meet workforce needs for local job seekers and employers alike.
